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Vancouver, The Best Place on Earth, Canada

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring is on its Way

We are about a couple of days before the official first day of Spring!

Weather in town has been unstable with a mix of rain and wind. It's not unusual here. Now that I have to drive 45 minutes (33km) one way on a trans-Canada highway, morning commute has been a totally new and refreshing experience to me.

I have become more attentive to the scenery on the way to work.

The trees, roadways, pedestrians, and the construction workers here and there - all seem to be a series of images one after the other in front of my eyes.

Earlier tonight, my friend and I were discussing our travel plans for Easter. I could not wait to see the end of March. When April arrives, Easter will be around the corner. And we will be cruising along the highway, passing through scenic points like Manning Park and onto the Okanagan region.

The count down to the Easter trip has begun!